Saturday, September 3, 2016

Why I Blog About Books

In case you're just joining may seem strange to encounter a blog about books that isn't quite a review site, that rarely covers new or soon-to-be-published titles.

Well, strange isn't the worst thing I've been called ;) 

What RU Reading is About What I've Been Reading

...or wanting to read. Apparently, there's an endless supply of books, but sadly, and clearly, our reading time is quite limited. I started this blog primarily because my "to-read" (2R) list got too dang long to keep anywhere else (- though I do love Amazon's wish list feature - ) and also because it gives me a sense of satisfaction to publicly declare that I have finished a book I started (even when I started it a long, long time ago).

It's Not Really a Book Review Site, But...

Books by kennymatic from 
Another reason I started this blog was to share with readers my opinion about whether or not they should invest their precious reading time in a particular title. I know, ostensibly, any review is supposed to do that. BUT. I also know that most reviews are purposely positive - they are written to make you want to read the reviewed title. (Sorry; it's true. Consider this a book reviewer's confession.)

So Many Books/So Little Time

What I aim to do is to give you a good idea about whether a book is really right for you - or maybe, for someone you know. Because besides "just" reading, sharing our vast ocean of reading material is also a joy.

That may explain why in some quasi-reviews here, I mention that a book - perhaps one I did not absolutely love - may appeal to someone with different interests, a different perspective, or a different educational background. Then there are books I think EVERYONE should read.

Hey, different strokes make the world go 'round.

I'm not crazy about mysteries, but know many who are big fans. I like nonfiction more than fiction. What about YOU?

What ARE YOU reading, my friends? HOW do you like it? Is it worth your time? Would you recommend it to a friend who might like it more than you do? I would love, love, love to hear from you. Comments below come directly to me; you're also welcome to post a comment at my reading/writing/tail-wagging Facebook Page or tweet at me anytime.

Thanks for sharing your page-turning journey with me!

Here are a few of my "must read" books: