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James Patterson Book #1
This was the first of James Patterson's books that I've read. Go figure.
According to the most reliable source I have (the book jacket) Patterson holds the Guinness World Record for the most #1 NYT best sellers.
Clearly, I was feeling optimistic on that trip to the library: in addition to The President is Missing I snagged 5 other books, including Zoo and The Store, also by Patterson.
Having digested the very engaging but somewhat formulaic Missing, I'm willing to crack open those other two novels, but I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. Based on Patterson's reputation and obvious success, I'd hoped to find him a suitable replacement for Michael Creighton. Alas, he is not.
James Patterson Book # 2
Stay tuned... and as always, I welcome guest posts on this blog. If you'd like to review your favorite James Patterson book, or argue that he really is equal to or better than Michael Creighton, reach out here in the comments or connect with me through my Dumb Facebook Page devoted to dogs and books and other things I can't live without.
Here's to Happy Endings!