Thursday, May 29, 2008

Got Summer Reading?

This morning, my favorite radio station devoted more than 30 minutes to the question, "what are you reading this summer?" You can see (and hear) the answers here.

Guests and callers spoke about several genres, including memoir, but didn't mention one of my favorites, Stephen King's On Writing, which is at least as much memoir as it is writing advice. I loved the book, even though I'm not a fan of his scarier stuff.

Old Stuff & Mysteries
I'm reading the (almost) current issue of National Geographic now, enjoying a (typically) lengthy article about Stonehenge. It references several recent digs near the enigmatic structures, but oddly, it doesn't doesn't mention (nor does NGS's own website include links to) the magazine's recent articles about those digs. Did you know that one in 2006 investigated the site that probably housed the builders of the famous monument?! Gee, that sounds kinda' relevant to me.

I wonder what folks are learning in library science these days...will we ever have a system of reference for information on the web as cut-and-dried (and comprehensive) as the dear old Dewey decimal/card catalog system in old-fashioned libraries?

Will our kids learn how to cite at least three credible sources and create footnotes for their research papers? Am I just getting old and crabby?

Maybe, maybe, and probably.

So what are you reading this summer?

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