Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ohio Author With a Future

Ohio can be proud of resident Cinda Williams Chima, author of The Warrior Heir, its companion (not sequel) novel, The Wizard Heir, and The Dragon Heir, the final of the three-volume set. More titles are in the works, details at Chima's website.

Chima has, can, and should be compared to Harry Potter creator JK Rowling. Both crafted fantasy worlds about young wizards. Both were relatively unknown until their storytelling talents were delivered to salivating and appreciative readers. Both have made their publishers very happy.

I won't go on, primarily because Chima's tales deserve to be read, period, not just for those readers still pining for another Rowling book to read.

Discover the books for yourself, please; I'm just back from vacation and lack the desire to peck out a fitting review. My rating? The highest I bestow: The Warrior Heir has been granted permanent asylum on my bookshelf.

Reluctant readers (or more accurately, parents of RRs) should know that the book features a host of high school students who are fit and good-looking soccer players - so it should appeal to both male and female readers.

Unfortunately, there's very little romance to lure in my finicky teen reader, so she'll probably wait for the movie. My advice to you: don't!

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