Monday, February 8, 2010

Reader beware

 Have you read about the possible/probable link between sweetened carbonated beverages and pancreatic cancer? Will you?  Probably not.

If you do read about it in a consumer magazine, however, you probably won't recognize it. The study, conducted in Singapore on more than 60,000 people over 14 years, found that those who drink more than two cans of carbonated sweetened beverages (pop) each week are more than 87% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those who drink less.

Unfortunately, about all you're likely to see in a glossy monthly or your local newspaper is this: "Researchers in Singapore say there may be a connection between sweetened carbonated beverages and an increased likelihood of pancreatic cancer." Worse, you might see the results twisted into a PR campaign touting the virtues of drinking diet (artificially sweetened) pop.

Readers, please beware.

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