Saturday, August 16, 2014

What Makes Short Writing Worth Reading?

Readers, you're smart people. I would love your thoughts on what makes good copywriting, or - since
"content" is the term du jour, what makes for good content. And I'm talking about really good content. I'm talking about content that makes you want to read it, read it again, and maybe even share it.

I know readers are guilty of reading all sorts of things. I know, for example, you'll read advertisements and corporate blogs about products and services you're not at all interested in, just because the writing is good.

And I know it has to be really, really good to hook you and steal time away from reading something else - but I know you do it.

Earlier this year, I enjoyed a book about writing good, short copy. Now, I'd love to hear from you.

What short, sweet, or pithy pieces have hooked you lately?

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