Monday, March 11, 2013

Luck o' the Readers

If everyone's Irish on St. Patrick's Day, what we need is a patron saint of reading. Then, at least one day a year, everyone would be a reader.

Oh, I can dream, can't I?

Goodreads has some seasonal recommendations to get young readers into the spirit of the holiday - whether you want to impart some actual historical information about St. Patrick or stick to lighter fare.

And - this is especially for homeschoolers, because I just assume all elementary school teachers know about this treasure trove of a site - for anyone with young children, I highly recommend you turn on the printer and visit Enchanted Learning for some free printable books, St. Patrick's Day activity sheets, coloring pages, and read-aloud stories.

Now as you go off to read, be sure you're whistling a happy tune

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